
Quote of the Day

Neighboorhood Girl: What's the song, it goes, uh... "Ra ra ah ah ah, roma roma-ah, gaga ooh-la-la..." I think it's called "Roma roma-la."
Neighboorhood Girl: Oh right, that song...


Quick favor...

Could you guys join this random, totally off-topic forum?


My parents say I can't have it (they won't let me have a MySpace until I'm seventy, by the looks of it xD) and want me to delete it. OVER MY DEAD BODY. I'm only going to shamelessly advertise it more.

So... join and post, please?


Dolphinz's List Of The Epicest Words EVAR

10. PANDAS. They're cute, right?
9. MMMMMMMMMMM. The sound you make when you eat waffles.
8. OOHEMGEE. Well, when you string it together like that...
7. ANTIQUATED. One of the only words I know with a Q in the middle, and it's just fun to say.
6. WEIRDO. Fun to say and be!
5. KONICHIWA. It's Japanese. Who doesn't love it? (Idiots.)
4. SIMMY. You use it to say something is very sim-like. (My sister's attitude is very simmy.)
3. AWESOMESAUCE. 'Nuff said.
2. EGREGIOUS. I don't honestly know why I like this, I just do.
1. EPIC. Because it's just epic.


The New Pages!

So it would appear EA can actually do something right for a change. Four months of Liam the Nerd is a bit tool long to wait tho, dont'cha think?

In the extremely small case anyone's interested, here's mine.


Been a long time, hasn't it?

So I've been a little too busy lazy to update for a while. There are so many things I'm excited about - and upset about too.

I have put it out there I'm a member of a military family, right? Well there, I just did that again for you. We've lived in the same place for nine years, a sizable amount for ANY military family. My dad's thinking of retiring next year, so big move may come up very soon.

High school plannage. There's this one I want to get into so-very-incredibly bad. It's a private school, though, and it costs 12K. PER YEAR. AVERAGE. So the only way I could get it is a scholarship. And it can be done (as proved last year) but only with extreme dedication. Should I go for it or simply fallback on my backup school?

College. Not for me, but my parents. Both of them have had half-finished college degrees, and they're strongly considering going back. Only issue is, neither of them know what they want. So you can decide. "...No." I'll give you a cookeh. "...Fine..."

My sister's thinking she's eighteen, not eight like she is. Have you SEEN some of the poses she'll strike randomly and things she'll say to prove her point? Oh wait, no you can't, unless you're a stalker.

Finally, my recent diagnosis with ADHD has made my family start going crazy over what to do about my life. Medications, special education plans... I'm the same person NOW than I was TWO WEEKS AGO, 'k? An official diagnosis doesn't change who I am.

Oh yeah, and I'm finding the Sims forums quite boring. If I ever became a mod, I'd ban the Gurus. Oh who am I kidding, they'd ban me while they were banned.



Never let me near your sim kids.

I got a new series of hair brushes today and to try them out I went a little crazy. Here's the result.

I don't think you'll want me as a babysitter any time soon.


Happy birthday Bitten!

Congrats! Have a happy nineteenth birthday, and enjoy your cake!


Well, it's official.

Yesterday was the last day of sheer torture school and I just hope that the next year goes by as fast as this one. For obvious reasons.

Good news is I'll be spending more time with my simmies. I'm starting something called "The Simself Diaries" and I may post updates here... I'm not sure if it's a dud or not, but I built my simmies the best house I've ever done so I'm pretty pleased.

My random thought of the day - What would you do-oo-oo, for a Klondike Bar?


Two days left.

So I have two days of school left, and let me tell you, I am PSYCHED for it to be out!

Unfortunately, this is pretty much the entire schedule of the week.

Monday -

Go to school
Listen to FAQ about high school applications
Have pool party (which turned out to be a pool/basketball/volleyball party)
Go back to school
Watch Spongebob (oh the hatred.)

Tuesday -

Go to school
Watch movie
Watch (yes, WATCH) a field day
Watch movie

Wednesday -

Watch movie



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Just added on Mare's. *smustles, 'cuz I'm rawrsome like that*


Well, I've been gone a while.

Wow, I've been gone for a while. Tons of news.

1. My parents are NOT splitting now. They are so indecisive...
2. DC trip was epic. I'll post piccies soon.
3. VIDKID! I miss you! Maybe you saw the siggie I made!
4. Hey Mares!
5. I joined the Penguin HQ forum. (Yes, those penguins again. I am such a baby, I admit it.) AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH MORE THAN EA FORUMS. I'm not leaving my simmers, but listen - No weird filters, people of every age and race, friendly mods THAT PARTICIPATE IN OT CHATS WITH US! Check out this thread-


My life is so random...


My life just fell apart.

My mom and dad just told us that they want a divorce. This is going to ruin all my plans for the future - first of all, next year, I'll be working as a "new anchor" on my school's morning announcements that are broadcast live on public broadcast channels. In fact, it's even going to change where I go to college now.

I honestly don't know what I should do. Any advice? Thanks.


Feelin' bored

Ya, so I just feel the need to post something, but I may as well make it worthwhile. Anyhoo, a new edited piccie for you, hope you like!


Stillllll sick

Same stuff minus the fever (so at least I'm getting better!) but I saw the doctor today. It's strep. Ah well, good news is I missed exactly half of the school week!



I'm home from school ill w/ a fever and sore sore throat... ugh.


Jarsie Jarsie Jarsie.

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Auto post!

Ya, so I auto posted this story... hope ya like it!

Stupid EA Party Poopers!

Right, so I start the topic for my 3000 post party that gets moved over here. It was a good thing I did, 'cuz guess who locked after only ONE REPLY?

I must remember never to post OT at night - that is when the mods are ban-happy in America.



I've heard of footprints, but I've never heard of feetprints until now... Am it a word? Someone tell my mom if it is!


Woot! 3000 posts on the official forum!

32 cans of soda on the wall, 32 cans...

Well more like 32 posties. Ya see, I'm 32 away from 3000! Feels like just yesterday I was at 1000... oh wait it practically was. How stupid of meh.


Guess who made it onto MS3B?


And look a piccie for proof-
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Back from the trip.

I'm baaaaack! So anyway, two blog-worthy moments.

1. O RLY? I was in the car, and as we drove away, my dad is all, "So why did you want to bring the computer?" "To blog." I replied. "We haven't blogged in 2 years." my dad said. I left it at that, thinking, What else don't you know? My age?

2. OMG WOW! My sister and I were hiking the trail singing a campfire song to pass time. Suddenly, we stepped in 3-inch-deep mud. There go our shoes. She starts going, "Eep! Eep! Eep!" Then she begins bawling, and my dad's all "No crying, Bethany!" (yes, that is her name.) She says, "Will I have to hop on my good foot!?!?" My dad then gives us a lecture on why we should watch where we go. I start rattling off appropraite Penguins of Madagascar (later on will be refered to as PoM) quotes. Yanno how some people can say quotes from any show no matter what the circumstance? Yeah. And then, I suddenly realized - I'd been recording this entire thing! Once I figure out how to import videos off cell phones, I'll post it.


Heading out to a canyon, be back later.


Teh Firestar banished!

Two posts in and Firestar is BANISHED. (pronounced - ban-II-shed) Why? For posting about her blog. Now I fear for my life. EEP!

A true welcome

Hello I'm back. So anyways, I'm a really great and fun person when you get to know me. This blog will focus on a bunch of things - it'll be a diary, a creative outlet, and a place where I can share sim stuffs.

So to everyone, welcome!


I'd make my first post longer 'cept my sister is counting down the seconds she doesn't have the pc.